Friday, September 5, 2008

798 Art District

Last Saturday, a handful of IES students bused over to the 798 art district in the northeast corner of the city. Formerly known as the 798 factory zone, the 798 art district is a mao-era manufacturing complex that was transformed into an enclave of galleries, outdoor sculptures, graffiti, and cafes. Lots of great stuff. Most of these photos are of the graffiti and converted factory buildings.

Along with the Chinese economy, the music taste is still..."developing", but it's good to see they're branching out from local stuff. So far, China pop is really hard to stand, but the indie/rock and electro scenes are doing well in the cities.

1 comment:

emly brk said...

Limp Bizkit and Korn... Ughhh

hahaha i really like the one of the dinosaurs. I think thats what they are?

Sarah and I went to this street art exhibit at the Deblois Gallery the other day and they had a couple of photographs that remind me of the pics you have taken. Really neat stuff.

Keep snapping. Ill keep commenting :-)